UM Members’ Stories: Alumnus Chan Keng Lim||澳大人的故事:陳敬濂校友 Multimedia Videos 4 views FacebookTwitterLinkedinPin ItTumblrWhatsApp You may also like UM Members’ Stories: Alumnus Vong Hin Fai||澳大人的故事:黃顯輝校友 Multimedia Videos 5 views Milestones of the University of Macau in 40 years||澳門大學40年大事記要 Multimedia Videos 3 views Congratulatory Messages for the 40th Anniversary of UM||各方祝賀澳大40週年校慶 Multimedia Videos 2 views UM and I were both born in 1981||我與澳大生於1981 Multimedia Videos 8 views Highlights of Opening Ceremony for the Celebration of the 40th Anniversary of UM and Open Day 2021||澳大40週年校慶啟動儀式及2021校慶開放日花絮 Feature Video, Multimedia Videos 39 views Set Sail for New Horizons on UM’s 40th Anniversary (Mandarin)||揚帆追夢——澳門大學40年(普通話) Multimedia Videos 3 views Embarcando Rumo a Novos Horizontes no 40º Aniversário (Português)||揚帆追夢——澳門大學40年(葡語) Multimedia Videos 3 views Set Sail for New Horizons on UM’s 40th Anniversary (English)||揚帆追夢——澳門大學40年(英語) Multimedia Videos 4 views Set Sail for New Horizons on UM’s 40th Anniversary (Cantonese)||揚帆追夢——澳門大學40年(廣東話) Multimedia Videos 55 views «12Page 2 of 2 winingan Ngan Ka Lam2021-06-11T14:53:30+08:00